4 Bed Residential Extension With Re-developed Garden In Sheffield

Our client approached us to undertake a design to their 4 bedroomed house, that not only gave the family additional bedroom and living accommodation but also much needed usable external amenity space.

The 4 bedroom house was of a modern design with limited space for their growing family. The garden was restricted as there was a steep slope feeding down to a stream running along the rear.

Following an extensive survey of the house and land, we devised a layout that best suited the existing building along with the external gardens.

We proposed a first-floor extension over the single-storey garage to the side enlarging the bedroom sizes and providing an additional study room, and a single-storey extension to the rear to add a much-needed open plan kitchen and living space to the ground floor. With the gardens, we had to get creative and design a retaining wall that increased the usable space and added steps down to a lower garden at the stream edge.

We also proposed decking that would cantilever out over the retaining wall to the side. Approvals for this project involved planning permission, Environment agency approval, and building control approval.

Following all approvals, the project is now under construction and we will follow up with completed photos.